Celebrating 20 years of Exceptional Service

The Right Fit

Downsizing from the Family Home to a Smaller Home/Condo

“The kids have all left. This house is far too big. The upkeep is silly. We’re basically living in 3 rooms in a 9-room home. Let’s downsize to a smaller home and free ourselves up. We can travel and spend more time with the grandkids.”

Mary and Tom – Empty nesters ready for change

Staying in my Home and Need Help!

“My house is jammed packed full and not safe for me to live in. My neighbour suggested I move my bedroom to the main floor. I’ll probably need to re-do my bathroom.  Can you do this and also get rid of all this extra stuff I don’t need”? 

Lisa, I'm Not Moving!

Out of the Country and Need to Move Parents!

“I live in England and my parents have a nice home in Toronto. They have decided to move to a 2-bedroom suite in a nearby senior’s residence. I am not available to assist them in the move and I need to work with a company that can provide all the services they will need to make the transition.”

Jacob – Importer/Exporter living in England

Moving to a Senior’s Residence

“My Doctor says I need assistance and should consider a senior’s residence. I’ve lived in this house over 40 years. I know its time to move but I can’t face doing this myself. My kids are stressed to the limit with their own lives. Where do I start? The thought of this is making me sick!”

Denise – Senior living in home over 45 years

Moving to Long Term Care

“My mother has been offered a bed in long term care and I need to accept it right away, which means she will have to move in the next couple of days. Following the move, I will need to clear her existing apartment. Can you help me?”

Mary – Daughter who needs to accept bed in long term care immediately

Moving my Parent to a Senior’s Residence

“Mom can no longer cook for herself. The winter’s are awful and she can’t get out as she doesn’t drive anymore. I’m worried she is isolated and something could happen. I have a career and teenage children. I need help to choose a residence and begin the process.”

Jessica – Career mom with grown children

Selling and Clearing the Family Home

“My father just passed away after many months of suffering from cancer. I live in Calgary and I need to sell and clear his home in Toronto.”

Colleen – Power of attorney for father’s estate

Internal Move in a Senior’s Residence within 48 Hrs

“My great uncle’s dementia has progressed. I need to move him from his 1 bedroom suite in the residence to the 1st floor living center. I need help to move him, set-up the room and sell and dispose of remaining items. The bed has just become available and I need to do the move this week. Can you help?”

Molly – Career mom with young children

Clearing Parent’s Suite in a Senior’s Residence

“My mother just passed away at her home in a senior’s residence. We have until the end of the month to clear her suite. Can you do this?”

Alita – Career daughter with busy family

Temporary Storage

“My parent’s have sold their home and are moving into a senior’s residence. The problem is, they need to store items they will be taking to their new home until the suite becomes available. The house is closing at the end of the month and their new home is not available for 2 months.”

John – Eldest son of retired parents

Purchase of New Furniture

“Do you help seniors with the purchase of new furniture for their senior residence? My mother is moving into a 1 bedroom and needs a new single bed and a love seat. If I can convince her, can you also purchase a flat screen TV.”

Claude – Busy executive helping mother